Sunday, August 21, 2011

How is Media Affecting Me?

How is Media Affecting Me?  That is the million dollar question, isn't it?  It is amazing how much of my life is affected by media.  We are led to believe that all these items such as the Internet, IPhones, etc., save us so much time.  We can literally do anything from our phones now.  We can check directions to where we need to be.  We can look at the Internet, check our email, get an address, look at the sale ads, load our coupons onto our phones, you get the picture. 

But these items also use up a lot of our time as well.  We find it easy to read about what all our Christian friends are doing in their lives to minister to others, when we could be ministering to others.  We look at our friends' vacations, home makeovers, etc, instead of spending time with our families.

We really spend less time using these media items than most people.  Yet it is still more than my husband would like, and more than we probably should.

I think we can do a lot of good things using the Internet and all our media tools.  But maybe we should remember that charity begins at home.  It is fine to support a child in Mexico, but maybe there is a family in my child's school that could use some help with clothing or groceries.  Lots of people are out of work you know.  I think we all need to remember that we should reach out and touch those around us first.  If I seek God first, and ask him to show me the opportunities He places before me, I will be able to use these media options to seek God's glory.

Thank you, Courtney, for allowing me the opportunity to link up to your blog.  I have enjoyed this series.
Thanks for stopping by!  Honey


  1. yes, if we would see every opportunity as an opportunity to glorify God!



  2. Thanks Traci! Thank you for stopping by.

  3. All to God's glory...great reminder!

  4. Graceandgritforlvinglife: Thanks so much! Stop back by soon.
