31 Days of Life on Our Farm! |
Hi friends! Today was Thursday. Last night GrandBoy and I went to church. He slept in his own bed, and he was so proud! This morning I went to work, and GrandBoy and Pappy went to the cow sale. I think it was quite a day. GrandBoy wanted to stay out on the catwalk where you can see all the cows below. But Pappy couldn't bid on the cows out there. Grand Boy didn't want to go inside the arena, because he knew they would be sitting, and that's not fun for a three year old boy. Pappy took two calves and a bull to the sale. Our bull went for $1,400! That was a great surprise! We were both very pleased. Guess what! I have always wanted a milk cow. But they cost a lot of money, like $1,000. And if I ever find dairy calves for sale, they are always bull calves. So today Pappy came home from the sale with a Holstein! She is six months bred, and he got her for about $600 for the pair. That is amazing. He will take the cow and calf back to the sale after the calf is born and make money off the transaction. He told me if the calf is a female I can keep her for a milk cow! We'll see how this goes, and I will keep you posted. He also bought another bred cow. AND he brought me a "present". A box of apples! He hadn't seen a need to try to buy any apples when I brought it up last week. But when someone was selling them at the cow sale, he bought me a box because he thought of me! He's so good to me.
Daughter #3 is so excited about moving to our place that we are setting up. She asks me several times a day if we have done this, this, this. It is just the 6th day of the month. She will come over Sunday and help her Dad there, and paint the cabinets.
Today while Pappy was at the cow sale, I had to go to the bank to sign some paperwork. While I was there, I got a call. I had forgotten that I had an appointment with an insurance agent to give me a quote on the farm policy. It is hard to find an insurance company here to insure farms. So I told him I could be there in 30 minutes. I met him at the farm and showed him around. He will email me some questions, and hopefully we will get a better price.
Next on the errand list, I went to the post office boxes to pick up the mail, then to the bank to deposit rent. I met a couple of tenants to get their rent in cash. Pappy called, and I met him to get GrandBoy. Then I waited about an hour to meet someone to pick GrandBoy up. While we waited, we went back to the thrift store, where I got two skirts. That's about the only place to go and wait in our small community that doesn't involve McDonalds and a play place. I refuse to take GrandBoy to McDonalds. So we browsed the thrift store for about 30 minutes while we waited. I got the cutest book of blessings. It is a child's book, and it was published in the 40's. It is in mint condition and the illustrations are beautiful.
Tonight I was showing Daughter #1 some catelogs that came in the mail. I had looked through them and marked several outfits I would like to duplicate. I don't get catalogs like that, and I was surprised they came. I enjoyed looking through them, and showed them to my daughter. She liked them too. I told her to look and see if they came to her by chance. She looked, and laughed. They weren't hers, and they weren't mine. They came to the wrong address! Oh, my. Someone didn't get their catalogs. But we enjoyed them, and I ordered them so we will get a set next time.
Daughter #2 asked me to meet her today for lunch. She wanted to me pray with her. Her relationship is ending, and she seems to be taking it hard. She said she has been praying for two days and doesn't feel her prayers are doing any good or that God is hearing her. I told her not to pray that things would work out with that man. Pray that God will show her where He wants her to be, the path He wants her to follow, and the man He has chosen for her. I did pray for her. She was afraid her Dad and I would be disappointed about this break up. She has made a lot of progress in the last six months since she returned home. The man she was seeing is successful, but that doesn't mean that he is the one God has chosen for her. I hope that she doesn't stumble through this, and that she continues to go forward in her progress. I hope she is still, and feels God's hand on her life. I'm praying for her. God has great plans for her, I'm sure.
Daughter #1 is worried about her classes. She is afraid her grades aren't as high as she would like and that she might not get into nursing school. I'm praying for her, too. I know that she will be successful, no matter what happens.
I noticed today that I need to pick the tomatoes. I am planning to be off Monday in observance of Columbus Day. I hope I will get a lot of things done at home.
Locally, today we got our first Aldi's Grocery Store. I have wished for one here for a couple of years, and can't wait to go visit tomorrow. My sister went today. Most of you probably know that you have to have a quarter to get a cart. My sister didn't have a quarter, so she carried things around the store in her arms. Pumpkins were $1.99 each. She got three. I guess she kicked those around the store, or something! She checked out three times, went to her car, and came back in for more. The last time one man asked if he would see her again tonight! She answered she thought she was done! You also have to pay for bags, and she didn't bring her recycleables, so she carried items to the car herself. Milk was $1.99, and eggs .49 a dozen. I'm pretty excited to try this store out. Bananas were 28 cents a pound! The bad bananas here that I buy are about 33 cents a pound. This will be great, I think.
One of our peacocks are dead. The young female. Pappy thinks one of the turkeys may be sick, too. I hope it doesn't die. I'm afraid that the farmers around us (we are in the middle of 100 acres of crops. Most years it is cotton, but this year it is soy beans) may have sprayed the crops again. The soybeans are turning yellow, but I'm not sure if they die off like cotton does. They spray cotton so the foliage dies, then they pick the cotton. One year when they sprayed the fields we lost a sheep. When we tried to figure out what happened, we noticed the sheeps' water was purple! And we remembered the plane going over the day before. So we dumped their water out, and no other animals died. I hope that is not the case this time.
Well, I guess I should let you go. Can you tell I don't have many lady friends? I'm a busy, professional woman, and I think this is a problem for a lot of professional women. Maybe all women. Or maybe it's just me. But anyway, its nice to talk to all of you. Hope your evening is blessed!