Today was a rushed tiring day. Back to work after two long holiday weekends. This was the first business day of the year, so when you are in real estate, that means running around trying to collect rent! I thought it would be a good collection day, but I was mistaken! Usually when the first of the month falls on a Saturday, the month is good. I guess that doesn't hold true if the weekend is a holiday!
Today the Grand-boy came and spent the day with Pappy, as I told you yesterday. He had so much fun he didn't want to leave. He came in his PJ's at about 5:30 am, and went back to bed. I forgot to lay out some clothes for him. When I got home, his red button-down church shirt had paint on it! Oh, well. I guess I'll lay out his clothes next time.
Today is Day 1 of Bible in 90 Days reading group with Moms Toolbox. I am a mentor to one group of ladies who will be reading the Bible in 90 days. I'm excited to be cheering them on. If you would like to jump in with us, email me and I'll tell you how to get started. It is an awesome experience!
Tomorrow some children from church are coming for dinner. I promised them I would take them to lunch while on holiday break as part of their Christmas present. So instead they are coming for sloppy joes tomorrow night, and getting their presents. They are always good kids.
This afternoon the tire man came to fix tires on the tractor and two trailers. While he was here he fell in love with Pappy's German Shepherd. I tried to give it to him, but he can't have pets. Pappy said, " you tried to give away my dog? " I reminded him he wanted to give it away a few weeks ago, but I would have asked him first.
This morning while watching the Grand-boy, it was too cold to take him out. So the chores were done inside. My husband wants you to know he cleaned the kitchen! He also cut up and started jerkey for the smoker, cracked and shelled more walnuts, and worked with his retirement funds.
Around lunchtime it warmed up and the Grand-boy went out to play. My husband started dragging the driveway. When we have a lot of rain, it gets rutty, and this has to be done. The next thing I know, my Husband will be wanted to order more gravel! He also painted the ladder for the water tank.
After Grand-boy left, Pappy went to pick up more firewood, but someone had already taken it. We have started planning a little of the garden. Pappy wants me to come by an empty rental house of ours that we actually lived in. He thinks there may be some of my roses that I'll want to move to the farm while the house is empty. I hope so. If there is still a rose there, it was my mothers peace rose, and must be 40 years old. This will be its second move, and definitely the last. We'll never move again, Lord willing. Pappy also went to check our leased pastures, to look for calves. No Calves yet for 2011!
One day down, four more work days to go! Have a blessed week! Honey
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